Team Coaching
Ever invited in an external consultant to work with a team in your organisation to improve its performance only to find that the team reverts to business as usual a few months after a team awayday? They forget working agreements, don't follow through on agreed actions and they fail to hold each other to account.
Yet what we observe in our work is that this doesn't happen in 1:1 coaching, where clients grow in self-awareness, agency, skill and focus.
So why don't team facilitators achieve the same results?
The answer, we believe, is that they are not coaching but facilitating teams. Taking control, designing an agenda and managing the team's process rather than letting it emerge and helping the team notice and take responsibility for it.
Our approach is to coach teams. Helping them be high performing by enabling them to build their awareness and responsibility for their own process. As in 1:1 coaching real team coaching for us means helping a client:
· Clarify their purpose, goals and agenda for coaching
· Encouraging a client (team's) self-discovery and awareness of their
· Eliciting client generated solutions and strategies
· Holding the client responsible and accountable
The benefits of team coaching are powerful. It releases inherent leadership capability, creativity, learning, purpose, emotional support, a sense of belonging and fulfilment for team members.
Real team coaching is the catalyst for a revolution in how we can genuinely learn to work together in teams for the success of our organisations and the common good.