Re-Discovering Your Best Self Retreat
_A retreat involves reconnecting to our true self. From this place we are best placed to make good decisions about how we want to live._
6th - 14th November 2020
About the Event
During the COVID-19 pandemic you may have experienced challenging living and working conditions which might leave you feeling uncertain, disorientated perhaps even a bit lost. These pressures and for some, just slowing down and having time to notice and reflect on your life, may be prompting some big questions: 'Do I want to continue leading my life this way?", "Is this really the work I want to do? "What would really make me fulfilled and happy?" "What's the right thing to do?". You might be considering what you want from this 'new normal', what will bring greater meaning and fulfilment in your life?
Going on a retreat is an opportunity to ground ourselves in our true identity, to re discover our true self. It is from this place, our "inner compass", that we are best placed to make decisions and choices about the big things in our lives: work, relationships, love and leadership.
The retreat process is twofold. The first part is an inner journey exploring what your life experiences have taught you about who you are. The second stage is an outer journey. An exploration of how you can be the best expression of your true self going forward.
In pre-COVID times you might have gone away to a retreat house to explore these questions. With "Re- Discovering your best self" online you can go on a powerful, reinvigorating retreat journey with up to six other companions facing similar challenges, guided by two experienced retreat facilitators, over the course of six days, in the comfort of your own home.
The "Re-Discovering your Best Self" Stay at Home retreat is for anyone who is:
- Bored, stuck in a rut, not knowing what they want
- Going through a major life transition: finding work, retirement, divorce, bereavement
- Faced with big opportunities but uncertain as to how to proceed
- Facing a life dilemma, they're struggling with
- Feeling like they are only just getting through each day, surviving life
- Studying, working, or out of work
Style and approach
Retreat facilitators Cathy Brown and Mike Mullins have a supportive, empathic style and will create a safe, intimate space where everyone is given an opportunity to share and be heard without judgement. The retreat will run over the course of six days with a minimum of two and a maximum of six retreatants. Retreat sessions will be face-to-face on Zoom for 1.5 - 2 hours per session, focused on a pattern of guided personal reflection and small group sharing and discussion. Retreatants will be invited to complete personal reflective activities between each session. The six-day flow looks like this:
Day 1 - Introductions and motivations
Day 2 - How did I get here?
Day 3 - What do I want?
Day 4 - Change and transition
Day 5 - Who am I at my best?
Day 6 - Moving forward.
Fees and dates:
The next 'Re-Discovering Your Best Self' Stay at Home Retreat (online) will be held between Friday 6th November and Saturday 14th November with sessions at these times:
Day 1 - Friday 6th November 6-8pm
Day 2 - Saturday 7th November 9-11am
Day 3 - Monday 9th November 6-8pm
Day 4 - Wednesday 11th November 6-8pm
Day 5 - Friday 13th November 6-8pm
Day 6 - Saturday 14th November 9-11am
If you are employed the fee is £495 + VAT Early-Bird Rate: For bookings made before Friday 9th October the fee is £400 + VAT
If you are unemployed or a full-time student the fee is £50 + VAT
This includes six 1.5 - 2-hour Zoom face-to-face retreat sessions, a 38-page 'Re-Discovering Your Best Self' Work Book, comprising guidance notes, worksheets and resources to use to capture your learning and a follow-on 1-1 with Cathy or Mike.
To go on the retreat please book via eventbrite clicking on the link below.
If you're unemployed or a full time student please email Mike Mullins (mikemullins1964@gmail.com) to secure your place and reduced fee.
Retreat facilitators
Mike Mullins
Mike is an experienced coach and facilitator who takes a creative, strengths-based approach, helping people learn from their successes and what they do best. He has a Master's in psychology and over twenty years' experience coaching individuals and facilitating teams in a range of different organisations and countries. Mike has a particular interest in how we can release the best in ourselves and others, how we can develop our personal power and voice, manage transition and be resilient in turbulent times. Clients describe Mike as having a warmhearted, genuine and supportive nature that allows them to relax and trust.
"Mike will not only restore your faith but will make you feel positive, empowered and ready to take on the world... he is astute and has real depth... an ability to provoke and stimulate your thinking ... ask the hard questions - in a warm, collaborative style."
Hugh Thomas
Dr Cathy Brown
Cathy is a Chartered Occupational Psychologist who runs her own organisational development consultancy (www.evolve.eu.com) where she works with individuals, teams and business to manage transitions and change. Within her areas of expertise, she writes books (under the brand Testing the Water®), articles, speaks at conferences and is a guest lecturer on Masters courses at several universities. More latterly, she has been awarded a PhD within field of career mobility. In addition, Cathy helps to give challenged individuals a helping hand through life transitions (www.evolvetransitiontrust.org). Clients describe Cathy as being warm, empathetic and authentic that enables them to learn and grow.
"Cathy and Mike led a fantastic retreat that I attended. It was well designed, brilliantly delivered and having it delivered remotely meant it fitted well into my other commitments. It was well worth the investment; I found the exercises to be insightful and thought provoking. They absolutely helped me to get clarity on challenges and the direction I want to take. I would definitely recommend Cathy and Mike's work to others."
Cat Tarbuck
Booking Link
Event Booking
If you would like to attend this event please click the button below:
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